Europe Travel | 5 Countries, 9 Cities and 20 days | Budget and Trip Plan

Europe has always been my dream to travel. Don't believe me? Ask anyone or at least someone from southeast Asia. Ever since I arrived in Lisbon, Portugal as an Erasmus student I was waiting for this moment. To read more about my Erasmus life visit Erasmus in Portugal.

After studying history and geography, watching movies and documentaries, and listening to stories from others, it was the time for myself to explore beyond. The plan began with me and other three friends to explore the beauty of Europe. Being student it was a good time to enjoy vacation, relief stress and most importantly plan a budget trip. We took around 15 to 20 days to plan and finalize our bookings.

We were travelling in February. Yes, you read it right. Apart from college vacation, it was also the period where the transportations are cheap. Regarding transportation, we used them as per their prices from flights, bus and trains. It also depends on the availability of given transportation. Following are websites we used for our trip.

The budget for accommodations and transportation only for visiting 5 Countries and 10 cities, summed up to around 400 Euros (€). Just to mention a small fact that in Belgium we received free accommodation and in Katowice, we were sleeping in Airport. I will tell you the stories in the posts where I will describe each country and place we visited.

To give you the idea here are the list of countries and cities that we visited during this trip.

This was the first destination from Portugal. We spent 4 days and visited around Brussels and Antwerp. To read more: Day 1-5: Brussels and Antwerp | Belgium

The second destination was one of awesome one as there was lots of fun and craziness. We spent 4 days here visiting the capital city Amsterdam and Leiden. To read more: Day 5-8: Amsterdam and Leiden | Netherlands

Next mission was to travel to Germany, where we spent 6 days visiting Cologne and Berlin. One thing, from Berlin we had one more friend joined our group. Now we were four, till Berlin only three of us were travelling. To read more: Day 8-13: Cologne and Berlin | Germany

Czech Republic
The Czech Republic and the capital city of Prague. No one can miss its beauty and we spent 3 days in this city. Remember it was 14th February when we were in this city. To read more: Day 13-16: Prague | Czech Republic


Poland was our last destination for this trip but it has given me some memories which I can never forget. In Poland, we visited Auschwitz and Warsaw. Auswitch was placed where we did not take any pictures and one of place where my eyes were filled with tears. To read more: Day 16-20: Auschwitz and Warsaw | Poland


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